Notebook overview#


Data Source:

Visualization code taken from course page and slightly adapted#

About notebook#

This notebook analyzes data from reddit, specifically hyperlinks in post titles linking to#

other subreddits. I primarily use data from 2014 from the source linked above, but also#

use a much smaller dataset from 2023, which I used the reddit API and bs4 to obtain. In this dataset,#

the graphs are directed. The nodes represent subreddits, while the edges represent a post being made,#

posts being made like this between 2 subreddits.#


1- Reading in dataframes, cleaning data, and building the weighted + directed graphs#

2 - Visualization#

3 - Measuring centrality#

4 - Measuring modularity + detecting communities#

5 - Analyzing negative traffic#

6 - Comparing 2023 vs. 2014 data#

1 - Reading in dataframes, data cleaning, creating DiGraphs#

def round_link_setiment(orig_sent):
    if orig_sent <= -.15:
        return -1
    if orig_sent >= .15:
        return 1
        return 0
data_2023A = pd.read_csv('stored_data9.csv')
data_2023B = pd.read_csv('stored_data12.csv')
data_2023 = pd.concat([data_2023A,data_2023B]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
data_2023['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'] = data_2023['subreddit'].str.lower()
data_2023['TARGET_SUBREDDIT'] = data_2023['linked_sub'].str.lower()
data_2023['LINK_SENTIMENT'] = data_2023.apply(lambda row: round_link_setiment(row.sentiment),axis=1)
data_2014 = pd.read_csv('soc-redditHyperlinks-title.tsv',sep='\t')
data_2014['SO-TA'] = data_2014.apply(lambda row: make_pair(row['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'],row['TARGET_SUBREDDIT']),axis=1)
data_2023['SO-TA'] = data_2023.apply(lambda row: make_pair(row['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'],row['TARGET_SUBREDDIT']),axis=1)
def make_pair(str1, str2):
    return (str1, str2)
def make_di_graph(df):
    val_counts = dict(df['SO-TA'].value_counts())
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    for key, val in val_counts.items():
        G.add_edge(key[0], key[1], weight=val)
    return G
G_2014 = make_di_graph(data_2014)
G_neg_2014 = make_di_graph(data_2014[data_2014['LINK_SENTIMENT']==-1])
G_2023 = make_di_graph(data_2023)
G_neg_2023 = make_di_graph(data_2023[data_2023['LINK_SENTIMENT']==-1])

2 - Visualization#

Finding louvian communities#

def get_communities(G):
    comms = nx_comm.louvain_communities(G)
    comm_dict = {}
    index = 0
    for comm in comms:
        for item in comm:
            comm_dict[item] = index
        if index == 10:
        index += 1
    return comm_dict
# code taken from course page
def subsample_edges(adjacency, n_edges_kept=100_000):
    row_inds, col_inds = np.nonzero(adjacency)
    n_edges = len(row_inds)
    if n_edges_kept > n_edges:
        return adjacency

    choice_edge_inds = np.random.choice(n_edges, size=n_edges_kept, replace=False)
    row_inds = row_inds[choice_edge_inds]
    col_inds = col_inds[choice_edge_inds]
    data = adjacency[row_inds, col_inds]

    return csr_array((data, (row_inds, col_inds)), shape=adjacency.shape)
# code (mostly) taken from course page
def draw_graph(G, label_min):
    comm_dict = get_communities(G)
    palette = dict(zip(range(0, 11), colors))
    node_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(comm_dict,orient='index',columns=['community'])
    nodelist = node_df.index
    adj = nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(G, nodelist=nodelist)
    node_df["strength"] = adj.sum(axis=1) + adj.sum(axis=0)
    node_df['rank_strength'] = node_df['strength'].rank(method='dense')
    ptr_adj = pass_to_ranks(adj)
    lse = LaplacianSpectralEmbed(n_components=32, concat=True)
    lse_embedding = lse.fit_transform(ptr_adj)
    n_components = 32
    n_neighbors = 32
    min_dist = 1
    metric = "cosine"
    umap = UMAP(
    umap_embedding = umap.fit_transform(lse_embedding)
    node_df["x"] = umap_embedding[:, 0]
    node_df["y"] = umap_embedding[:, 1]
    big_nodes =
    label_nodes = set()
    for key, val in dict(big_nodes).items():
        if val > label_min:
    node_df['label'] = node_df.index.isin(label_nodes)
    labels_df = node_df[node_df['label']]
    already_labeled = set()
    sub_adj = subsample_edges(adj, 100_000)

    ax = networkplot(
        node_sizes=(10, 150),
        figsize=(20, 20),

    for row in labels_df.iterrows():
        x_coord = row[1]['x'] + 0.2
        y_coord = row[1]['y']
        color_num = row[1]['community']
        comm_name = row[0]
        for labeled in already_labeled:
            while (2*(labeled[0]-x_coord)*(labeled[0]-x_coord) + (labeled[1]-y_coord)*(labeled[1]-y_coord) < 4):
                y_coord -= 0.2
                x_coord += 0.5
draw_graph(G_2014, 500)
draw_graph(G_2023, 20)
/Users/claramoore/Desktop/VSCode_Projecrs/TestingStuff/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graspologic/embed/ UserWarning: Input graph is not fully connected. Results may notbe optimal. You can compute the largest connected component byusing ``graspologic.utils.largest_connected_component``.
  warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)

3 - Centrality Measures#

# take largest connected component so eigenvector centrality works
largest_cc = max(nx.weakly_connected_components(G_2014), key=len)
largest_cc = G_2014.subgraph(largest_cc)
centrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(largest_cc, max_iter=300)
sorted_centrality = {k: v for k, v in sorted(centrality.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
pageranked = nx.pagerank(largest_cc)
sorted_pageranked = {k: v for k, v in sorted(pageranked.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
degree_centrality = dict(
sorted_degree_centrality = {k: v for k, v in sorted(degree_centrality.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
centralities = pd.DataFrame([sorted_centrality, sorted_pageranked, sorted_degree_centrality]).T
centralities.columns = ['eigenvector_centrality', 'pagerank','degree_centrality']
centralities['sub'] = centralities.index
def get_out_degree(sub):
    return G_2014.out_degree(sub)
def get_in_degree(sub):
    return G_2014.in_degree(sub)
centralities['out_degree'] = centralities.apply(lambda row: get_out_degree(row['sub']), axis=1)
centralities['in_degree'] = centralities.apply(lambda row: get_in_degree(row['sub']), axis=1)
centralities = centralities.drop('sub',axis=1)
eigenvector_centrality pagerank degree_centrality out_degree in_degree
iama 0.245731 0.019820 3706.0 6 3700
askreddit 0.237335 0.018580 4164.0 0 4164
pics 0.201227 0.010221 2909.0 165 2744
funny 0.196630 0.009736 2990.0 455 2535
videos 0.192949 0.007856 2329.0 239 2090
todayilearned 0.176295 0.005445 2487.0 389 2098
worldnews 0.140717 0.005357 1541.0 150 1391
gaming 0.138902 0.006065 2070.0 684 1386
news 0.137688 0.003922 1500.0 249 1251
gifs 0.126054 0.004288 1334.0 36 1298
science 0.125195 0.004112 1211.0 74 1137
wtf 0.118693 0.003727 1416.0 229 1187
the_donald 0.111458 0.006557 1579.0 691 888
showerthoughts 0.110592 0.002407 932.0 0 932
movies 0.110197 0.003424 1166.0 176 990
technology 0.109735 0.002360 1008.0 215 793
mildlyinteresting 0.107211 0.002959 1108.0 116 992
explainlikeimfive 0.106259 0.001983 876.0 0 876
politics 0.103900 0.003809 1171.0 183 988
conspiracy 0.102715 0.003077 1385.0 569 816

Generally, the centrality ranks are highly correlated with each other. In-degree centrality appears to be more relevant than out-degree centrality, which makes sense.#

4 - Modularity + Communities#

def determine_modularity(di_graph):
    undir_graph = di_graph.to_undirected()
    leiden_partition_map = leiden(undir_graph, trials=100)
    return modularity(undir_graph, leiden_partition_map)
# really high modularity in the 2023 dataset, likely because of the way I sourced the data
comms = nx_comm.louvain_communities(largest_cc)
def draw_community_graph(G, community):
    subgraph = G.subgraph(community)
    d = dict(
    dict_keys = d.keys()
    dict_vals = d.values()
    labeldict = {}

    for G_node in subgraph.nodes:
        if < 60:
            labeldict[G_node] = ''
            labeldict[G_node] = G_node
    edges,weights = zip(*nx.get_edge_attributes(subgraph,'weight').items())
    pos = nx.spring_layout(subgraph)
    nx.draw(subgraph, pos=pos,node_size=[v for v in dict_vals],edgelist=edges, edge_color=weights,labels=labeldict,with_labels = True,font_size=8)

Identified communities#

draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[3]), 30)
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[6]), 30)
# DOTA + League of Legends
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[7]), 20)
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[8]), 20)
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[9]), 20)
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[10]), 20)
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[11]), 20)
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[12]), 10)

While not all communities found seem to make sense on first glance, several in the top 15 were very clearly able to be grouped by topic - the Louvian community detection appears to be effective on this graph, at least somewhat.#

5 - Negative Traffic#

Looking for the most ‘toxic’ communities#

out_degree_centrality_negative = dict(nx.out_degree_centrality(G_neg_2014))
in_degree_centrality_negative = dict(nx.in_degree_centrality(G_neg_2014))
out_degree_centrality_all = dict(nx.out_degree_centrality(G_2014))
in_degree_centrality_all = dict(nx.in_degree_centrality(G_2014))
centrality_df = pd.DataFrame([out_degree_centrality_negative, in_degree_centrality_negative, out_degree_centrality_all, in_degree_centrality_all])
centrality_df = centrality_df.T
centrality_df = centrality_df.fillna(0)
centrality_df.columns = ['negative_outgoing','negative_incoming','all_outgoing','all_incoming']
centrality_df['outgoing_ratio'] = centrality_df['negative_outgoing']/centrality_df['all_outgoing']
centrality_df['incoming_ratio'] = centrality_df['negative_incoming']/centrality_df['all_incoming']
centrality_df = centrality_df[centrality_df['negative_outgoing'] > 0.001]
avg_all_ratio = centrality_df['incoming_ratio'].mean()
centrality_df['mean_incoming_ratio'] = avg_all_ratio
centrality_df['% difference from mean ratio'] = 100 *(centrality_df['incoming_ratio'] - avg_all_ratio)/avg_all_ratio
centrality_df = centrality_df.sort_values('outgoing_ratio',ascending=False)
centrality_df = centrality_df.dropna() 

Most toxic communities by ratio of negative/all posts originating from that community#

negative_outgoing negative_incoming all_outgoing all_incoming outgoing_ratio incoming_ratio mean_incoming_ratio % difference from mean ratio
brockturnerinnocent 0.001204 0.000328 0.000222 0.000055 5.426145 5.919431 1.356286 336.444251
ebolahoax 0.001533 0.000000 0.000351 0.000092 4.361686 0.000000 1.356286 -100.000000
peoplefuckingdying 0.001204 0.000328 0.000277 0.000555 4.340916 0.591943 1.356286 -56.355575
shitsocialismsays 0.002518 0.000109 0.000610 0.000166 4.125664 0.657715 1.356286 -51.506194
publichealthwatch 0.013793 0.000985 0.003421 0.000388 4.031612 2.536899 1.356286 87.047536
bestofpoutrageculture 0.001861 0.000000 0.000481 0.000018 3.870397 0.000000 1.356286 -100.000000
bnestrong 0.002299 0.000657 0.000610 0.000481 3.766910 1.366022 1.356286 0.717904
straya 0.002627 0.000876 0.000721 0.000388 3.642727 2.255021 1.356286 66.264477
leftwithsharpedge 0.003503 0.000438 0.000980 0.000092 3.573996 4.735545 1.356286 249.155401
amrsucks 0.003503 0.000438 0.000980 0.000185 3.573996 2.367772 1.356286 74.577700
subredditdrama 0.170443 0.025616 0.049173 0.011799 3.466173 2.171076 1.356286 60.075164
drama 0.074658 0.008539 0.021803 0.004087 3.424132 2.089211 1.356286 54.039147
againstkarmawhores 0.010947 0.000109 0.003255 0.000074 3.363313 1.479858 1.356286 9.111063
srssucks 0.017187 0.003503 0.005160 0.001794 3.331006 1.952802 1.356286 43.981609
againsthatesubreddits 0.013027 0.004488 0.003995 0.002145 3.261168 2.092213 1.356286 54.260468
vaccinemyths 0.001642 0.000328 0.000518 0.000092 3.171124 3.551658 1.356286 161.866551
fuckthealtright 0.001861 0.001095 0.000592 0.000684 3.144698 1.599846 1.356286 17.957906
shiteuropeanssay 0.004269 0.000219 0.001387 0.000037 3.078104 5.919431 1.356286 336.444251
metacancersubdrama 0.003065 0.000109 0.000999 0.000111 3.069334 0.986572 1.356286 -27.259292
assholes 0.001970 0.000438 0.000647 0.000074 3.044279 5.919431 1.356286 336.444251

Most toxic communities by quantity of negative posts from that community (out degree)#

centrality_df = centrality_df.sort_values('negative_outgoing',ascending=False)
negative_outgoing negative_incoming all_outgoing all_incoming outgoing_ratio incoming_ratio mean_incoming_ratio % difference from mean ratio
subredditdrama 0.170443 0.025616 0.049173 0.011799 3.466173 2.171076 1.356286 60.075164
bestof 0.119431 0.009524 0.057532 0.007286 2.075892 1.307082 1.356286 -3.627792
drama 0.074658 0.008539 0.021803 0.004087 3.424132 2.089211 1.356286 54.039147
botsrights 0.041817 0.000766 0.014517 0.000499 2.880538 1.534667 1.356286 13.152213
circlebroke2 0.037876 0.001861 0.012631 0.001036 2.998716 1.796970 1.356286 32.492005
shitpost 0.036891 0.001423 0.014462 0.000721 2.550957 1.973144 1.356286 45.481417
shitamericanssay 0.028790 0.003612 0.014184 0.001923 2.029740 1.878281 1.356286 38.487118
shitredditsays 0.028462 0.007225 0.016256 0.003514 1.750912 2.056223 1.356286 51.606950
evenwithcontext 0.026710 0.000000 0.008951 0.000018 2.984176 0.000000 1.356286 -100.000000
shitstatistssay 0.024849 0.001970 0.010541 0.000962 2.357387 2.049034 1.356286 51.076856
the_donald 0.024302 0.022332 0.012779 0.016422 1.901756 1.359869 1.356286 0.264220
worstof 0.024302 0.001642 0.008045 0.000536 3.020951 3.061775 1.356286 125.747026
fitnesscirclejerk 0.022879 0.000547 0.010097 0.000407 2.265863 1.345325 1.356286 -0.808125
bettersubredditdrama 0.021675 0.000000 0.008340 0.000018 2.598774 0.000000 1.356286 -100.000000
topmindsofreddit 0.019704 0.002956 0.008821 0.001368 2.233747 2.159792 1.356286 59.243173
gamingcirclejerk 0.018610 0.000547 0.006750 0.000388 2.756995 1.409388 1.356286 3.915298
shitliberalssay 0.018172 0.001533 0.008137 0.000814 2.233240 1.883455 1.356286 38.868625
srssucks 0.017187 0.003503 0.005160 0.001794 3.331006 1.952802 1.356286 43.981609
badphilosophy 0.017077 0.002080 0.009228 0.001535 1.850564 1.355050 1.356286 -0.091075
thepopcornstand 0.017077 0.000766 0.007157 0.000314 2.386127 2.437413 1.356286 79.712339

Looking at proportion of negative traffic driven by top 10 negative communities#

toxic_subs = list(centrality_df.head(10).index)
num_edges_in_toxic_set = 0
num_edges_in_normal_set = 0

for node in toxic_subs:
    num_edges_in_toxic_set += G_neg_2014.out_degree(node)
    num_edges_in_normal_set += G_2014.out_degree(node)
total_negative_links = len(G_neg_2014.edges)
total_all_links = len(G_2014.edges)
total_num_communities = len(G_2014.nodes)
print('% of negative posts made by top 10 negative subreddits: ' + str((100*num_edges_in_toxic_set/total_negative_links)))
print('Those communities make up ' + str((10/total_num_communities)) + ' % of all communities in the dataset (' + str(total_num_communities) +' in set)')
print('% of all posts made by those same 10 negative subreddits: ' + str((100*num_edges_in_normal_set/total_all_links)))
% of negative posts made by top 10 negative subreddits: 18.41952353282975
Those communities make up 0.0001849283402681461 % of all communities in the dataset (54075 in set)
% of all posts made by those same 10 negative subreddits: 5.067889876997513

Looking at relationship between outgoing and incoming negative traffic#

X = centrality_df['outgoing_ratio']
y = centrality_df['incoming_ratio']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33)
x_train= X_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_test = X_test.values.reshape(-1, 1)
reg = LinearRegression().fit(x_train, y_train)
predicted = reg.predict(x_test)
# Weak r2 but still positive relationship
r2_score(y_test, predicted)

There is a small positive correlation between outgoing and incoming negative traffic, suggesting that subreddit communities spreading hate are also receiving it.#

6 - 2014 vs. 2023#

Need to take same nodeset in both datasets for worthwhile comparasion#

nodeset = set()
nodeset_2014 = set(data_2014['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'].unique()).union(set(data_2014['TARGET_SUBREDDIT']))
nodeset_2023 = set(data_2023['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'].unique()).union(set(data_2023['TARGET_SUBREDDIT']))
nodeset = nodeset_2014.intersection(nodeset_2023)
adjusted_2014_data = data_2014[(data_2014['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'].isin(nodeset))&(data_2014['TARGET_SUBREDDIT'].isin(nodeset))]
adjusted_2023_data = data_2023[(data_2023['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'].isin(nodeset))&(data_2023['TARGET_SUBREDDIT'].isin(nodeset))]
new_G_2014 = make_di_graph(adjusted_2014_data)
new_G_2023 = make_di_graph(adjusted_2023_data)
draw_graph(new_G_2014, 50)
draw_graph(new_G_2023, 5)
/Users/claramoore/Desktop/VSCode_Projecrs/TestingStuff/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graspologic/embed/ UserWarning: Input graph is not fully connected. Results may notbe optimal. You can compute the largest connected component byusing ``graspologic.utils.largest_connected_component``.
  warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
largest_cc_2014 = max(nx.weakly_connected_components(new_G_2014), key=len)
largest_cc_2014 = new_G_2014.subgraph(largest_cc)
largest_cc_2023 = max(nx.weakly_connected_components(new_G_2023), key=len)
largest_cc_2023 = new_G_2023.subgraph(largest_cc)
centrality_2014 = dict(
sorted_centrality_2014 = {k: v for k, v in sorted(centrality_2014.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
centrality_2023 = dict(
sorted_centrality_2023 = {k: v for k, v in sorted(centrality_2023.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
{'subredditdrama': 689,
 'funny': 533,
 'iama': 526,
 'askreddit': 479,
 'pics': 470,
 'gaming': 415,
 'drama': 353,
 'wtf': 287,
 'theydidthemath': 266,
 'pcmasterrace': 255,
 'worldnews': 253,
 'conspiracy': 242,
 'movies': 236,
 'mildlyinteresting': 219,
 'science': 213,
 'technology': 208,
 'dataisbeautiful': 183,
 'trees': 180,
 'politics': 179,
 'adviceanimals': 166,
 'latestagecapitalism': 161,
 'showerthoughts': 158,
 'india': 151,
 'leagueoflegends': 150,
 'music': 149,
 'shitliberalssay': 148,
 'aww': 143,
 'gamingcirclejerk': 139,
 'diy': 137,
 'dota2': 136,
 'books': 132,
 'cringe': 130,
 'tifu': 129,
 'mensrights': 125,
 'europe': 124,
 'nottheonion': 123,
 'twoxchromosomes': 123,
 'programming': 120,
 'dogecoin': 119,
 'television': 118,
 'globaloffensive': 118,
 'beetlejuicing': 117,
 'soccer': 117,
 'sports': 116,
 'nba': 113,
 'nfl': 111,
 'justneckbeardthings': 111,
 'quityourbullshit': 110,
 'food': 109,
 'squaredcircle': 109,
 'unexpected': 108,
 'creepy': 107,
 'drugs': 105,
 'overwatch': 105,
 'futurology': 105,
 'space': 104,
 'bicycling': 103,
 'sysadmin': 103,
 'lifeprotips': 102,
 'france': 102,
 'cars': 102,
 'socialism': 101,
 'jokes': 100,
 'oldschoolcool': 99,
 'me_irl': 97,
 'justunsubbed': 97,
 'legaladvice': 95,
 'woahdude': 92,
 'art': 92,
 'whatisthisthing': 91,
 'pokemon': 90,
 'kotakuinaction': 89,
 'tf2': 88,
 'travel': 87,
 'motorcycles': 86,
 'ireland': 85,
 'crappydesign': 85,
 'buildapc': 83,
 'de': 83,
 'whowouldwin': 83,
 'moviescirclejerk': 82,
 'anime': 82,
 'sweden': 82,
 'personalfinance': 81,
 'pcgaming': 80,
 'getmotivated': 80,
 'smashbros': 78,
 'minecraft': 78,
 'oddlysatisfying': 77,
 'hockey': 76,
 'changemyview': 76,
 'nyc': 75,
 'kappa': 73,
 'cyberpunk': 73,
 'magictcg': 72,
 'hearthstone': 70,
 'portland': 70,
 'cfb': 70,
 'steam': 70,
 'fantheories': 70,
 'cringepics': 69,
 'mechanicalkeyboards': 69,
 'teenagers': 68,
 'mildlyinfuriating': 67,
 'newzealand': 67,
 'military': 67,
 'christianity': 66,
 'dnd': 66,
 'romania': 66,
 'denmark': 66,
 'undertale': 66,
 'pka': 64,
 'houston': 64,
 'gameofthrones': 64,
 'philippines': 64,
 'argentina': 64,
 'place': 64,
 'outoftheloop': 63,
 'chicago': 63,
 'collapse': 63,
 'nofap': 63,
 'offmychest': 63,
 'h3h3productions': 63,
 'facepalm': 62,
 'vexillology': 62,
 'gaybros': 61,
 'trashy': 60,
 'austin': 59,
 'frugal': 59,
 'lego': 59,
 'scotland': 59,
 'conservative': 58,
 'comicbooks': 58,
 'boston': 58,
 'wallstreetbets': 58,
 'iasip': 57,
 'self': 56,
 'formula1': 56,
 'baseball': 55,
 'rpg': 55,
 'catholicism': 55,
 'guns': 55,
 'skyrim': 54,
 'starcraft': 54,
 'im14andthisisdeep': 54,
 'harrypotter': 54,
 'collegebasketball': 54,
 'atlanta': 54,
 'photography': 54,
 'wholesomememes': 54,
 'worldbuilding': 54,
 'short': 53,
 'army': 53,
 'privacy': 52,
 'fantasy': 51,
 'psychonaut': 51,
 'twobestfriendsplay': 51,
 'japan': 51,
 'trollxchromosomes': 50,
 'tinder': 50,
 'skeptic': 50,
 'melbourne': 50,
 'business': 50,
 'lostgeneration': 49,
 'wearethemusicmakers': 49,
 'starcitizen': 49,
 'aviation': 49,
 'foreveralone': 48,
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Unfortunately, I was not able to get enough data to do a full analysis on the change in communities over time. However, we can see from simply looking at degree centrality, the same subreddits appear to be at the top (subredditdrama, iama, funny, gaming). It would be interesting to gather more data to do a more thorough comparasion.#