Reddit links#
Author: Clara Moore
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from graspologic.plot import heatmap
import as nx_comm
from graspologic.layouts.colors import _get_colors
from graspologic.embed import LaplacianSpectralEmbed
from graspologic.utils import pass_to_ranks
from umap import UMAP
from graspologic.plot import networkplot
import as nx_comm
from graspologic.plot import networkplot, heatmap
from graspologic.partition import leiden, modularity
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
colors = _get_colors(True, None)["nominal"]
/Users/claramoore/Desktop/VSCode_Projecrs/TestingStuff/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/ TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See
from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
Notebook overview#
Data Source:
Visualization code taken from course page and slightly adapted#
About notebook#
This notebook analyzes data from reddit, specifically hyperlinks in post titles linking to#
other subreddits. I primarily use data from 2014 from the source linked above, but also#
use a much smaller dataset from 2023, which I used the reddit API and bs4 to obtain. In this dataset,#
the graphs are directed. The nodes represent subreddits, while the edges represent a post being made,#
containing the other subreddit’s link in its title. The weights on the edges represent the number of#
posts being made like this between 2 subreddits.#
1- Reading in dataframes, cleaning data, and building the weighted + directed graphs#
2 - Visualization#
3 - Measuring centrality#
4 - Measuring modularity + detecting communities#
5 - Analyzing negative traffic#
6 - Comparing 2023 vs. 2014 data#
1 - Reading in dataframes, data cleaning, creating DiGraphs#
def round_link_setiment(orig_sent):
if orig_sent <= -.15:
return -1
if orig_sent >= .15:
return 1
return 0
data_2023A = pd.read_csv('stored_data9.csv')
data_2023B = pd.read_csv('stored_data12.csv')
data_2023 = pd.concat([data_2023A,data_2023B]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
data_2023['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'] = data_2023['subreddit'].str.lower()
data_2023['TARGET_SUBREDDIT'] = data_2023['linked_sub'].str.lower()
data_2023['LINK_SENTIMENT'] = data_2023.apply(lambda row: round_link_setiment(row.sentiment),axis=1)
data_2014 = pd.read_csv('soc-redditHyperlinks-title.tsv',sep='\t')
data_2014['SO-TA'] = data_2014.apply(lambda row: make_pair(row['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'],row['TARGET_SUBREDDIT']),axis=1)
data_2023['SO-TA'] = data_2023.apply(lambda row: make_pair(row['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'],row['TARGET_SUBREDDIT']),axis=1)
def make_pair(str1, str2):
return (str1, str2)
def make_di_graph(df):
val_counts = dict(df['SO-TA'].value_counts())
G = nx.DiGraph()
for key, val in val_counts.items():
G.add_edge(key[0], key[1], weight=val)
return G
G_2014 = make_di_graph(data_2014)
G_neg_2014 = make_di_graph(data_2014[data_2014['LINK_SENTIMENT']==-1])
G_2023 = make_di_graph(data_2023)
G_neg_2023 = make_di_graph(data_2023[data_2023['LINK_SENTIMENT']==-1])
2 - Visualization#
Finding louvian communities#
def get_communities(G):
comms = nx_comm.louvain_communities(G)
comm_dict = {}
index = 0
for comm in comms:
for item in comm:
comm_dict[item] = index
if index == 10:
index += 1
return comm_dict
# code taken from course page
def subsample_edges(adjacency, n_edges_kept=100_000):
row_inds, col_inds = np.nonzero(adjacency)
n_edges = len(row_inds)
if n_edges_kept > n_edges:
return adjacency
choice_edge_inds = np.random.choice(n_edges, size=n_edges_kept, replace=False)
row_inds = row_inds[choice_edge_inds]
col_inds = col_inds[choice_edge_inds]
data = adjacency[row_inds, col_inds]
return csr_array((data, (row_inds, col_inds)), shape=adjacency.shape)
# code (mostly) taken from course page
def draw_graph(G, label_min):
comm_dict = get_communities(G)
palette = dict(zip(range(0, 11), colors))
node_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(comm_dict,orient='index',columns=['community'])
nodelist = node_df.index
adj = nx.to_scipy_sparse_array(G, nodelist=nodelist)
node_df["strength"] = adj.sum(axis=1) + adj.sum(axis=0)
node_df['rank_strength'] = node_df['strength'].rank(method='dense')
ptr_adj = pass_to_ranks(adj)
lse = LaplacianSpectralEmbed(n_components=32, concat=True)
lse_embedding = lse.fit_transform(ptr_adj)
n_components = 32
n_neighbors = 32
min_dist = 1
metric = "cosine"
umap = UMAP(
umap_embedding = umap.fit_transform(lse_embedding)
node_df["x"] = umap_embedding[:, 0]
node_df["y"] = umap_embedding[:, 1]
big_nodes =
label_nodes = set()
for key, val in dict(big_nodes).items():
if val > label_min:
node_df['label'] = node_df.index.isin(label_nodes)
labels_df = node_df[node_df['label']]
already_labeled = set()
sub_adj = subsample_edges(adj, 100_000)
ax = networkplot(
node_sizes=(10, 150),
figsize=(20, 20),
for row in labels_df.iterrows():
x_coord = row[1]['x'] + 0.2
y_coord = row[1]['y']
color_num = row[1]['community']
comm_name = row[0]
for labeled in already_labeled:
while (2*(labeled[0]-x_coord)*(labeled[0]-x_coord) + (labeled[1]-y_coord)*(labeled[1]-y_coord) < 4):
y_coord -= 0.2
x_coord += 0.5
draw_graph(G_2014, 500)

draw_graph(G_2023, 20)
/Users/claramoore/Desktop/VSCode_Projecrs/TestingStuff/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graspologic/embed/ UserWarning: Input graph is not fully connected. Results may notbe optimal. You can compute the largest connected component byusing ``graspologic.utils.largest_connected_component``.
warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)

3 - Centrality Measures#
# take largest connected component so eigenvector centrality works
largest_cc = max(nx.weakly_connected_components(G_2014), key=len)
largest_cc = G_2014.subgraph(largest_cc)
centrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(largest_cc, max_iter=300)
sorted_centrality = {k: v for k, v in sorted(centrality.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
pageranked = nx.pagerank(largest_cc)
sorted_pageranked = {k: v for k, v in sorted(pageranked.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
degree_centrality = dict(
sorted_degree_centrality = {k: v for k, v in sorted(degree_centrality.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
centralities = pd.DataFrame([sorted_centrality, sorted_pageranked, sorted_degree_centrality]).T
centralities.columns = ['eigenvector_centrality', 'pagerank','degree_centrality']
centralities['sub'] = centralities.index
def get_out_degree(sub):
return G_2014.out_degree(sub)
def get_in_degree(sub):
return G_2014.in_degree(sub)
centralities['out_degree'] = centralities.apply(lambda row: get_out_degree(row['sub']), axis=1)
centralities['in_degree'] = centralities.apply(lambda row: get_in_degree(row['sub']), axis=1)
centralities = centralities.drop('sub',axis=1)
eigenvector_centrality | pagerank | degree_centrality | out_degree | in_degree | |
iama | 0.245731 | 0.019820 | 3706.0 | 6 | 3700 |
askreddit | 0.237335 | 0.018580 | 4164.0 | 0 | 4164 |
pics | 0.201227 | 0.010221 | 2909.0 | 165 | 2744 |
funny | 0.196630 | 0.009736 | 2990.0 | 455 | 2535 |
videos | 0.192949 | 0.007856 | 2329.0 | 239 | 2090 |
todayilearned | 0.176295 | 0.005445 | 2487.0 | 389 | 2098 |
worldnews | 0.140717 | 0.005357 | 1541.0 | 150 | 1391 |
gaming | 0.138902 | 0.006065 | 2070.0 | 684 | 1386 |
news | 0.137688 | 0.003922 | 1500.0 | 249 | 1251 |
gifs | 0.126054 | 0.004288 | 1334.0 | 36 | 1298 |
science | 0.125195 | 0.004112 | 1211.0 | 74 | 1137 |
wtf | 0.118693 | 0.003727 | 1416.0 | 229 | 1187 |
the_donald | 0.111458 | 0.006557 | 1579.0 | 691 | 888 |
showerthoughts | 0.110592 | 0.002407 | 932.0 | 0 | 932 |
movies | 0.110197 | 0.003424 | 1166.0 | 176 | 990 |
technology | 0.109735 | 0.002360 | 1008.0 | 215 | 793 |
mildlyinteresting | 0.107211 | 0.002959 | 1108.0 | 116 | 992 |
explainlikeimfive | 0.106259 | 0.001983 | 876.0 | 0 | 876 |
politics | 0.103900 | 0.003809 | 1171.0 | 183 | 988 |
conspiracy | 0.102715 | 0.003077 | 1385.0 | 569 | 816 |
4 - Modularity + Communities#
def determine_modularity(di_graph):
undir_graph = di_graph.to_undirected()
leiden_partition_map = leiden(undir_graph, trials=100)
return modularity(undir_graph, leiden_partition_map)
# really high modularity in the 2023 dataset, likely because of the way I sourced the data
comms = nx_comm.louvain_communities(largest_cc)
def draw_community_graph(G, community):
subgraph = G.subgraph(community)
d = dict(
dict_keys = d.keys()
dict_vals = d.values()
labeldict = {}
for G_node in subgraph.nodes:
if < 60:
labeldict[G_node] = ''
labeldict[G_node] = G_node
edges,weights = zip(*nx.get_edge_attributes(subgraph,'weight').items())
pos = nx.spring_layout(subgraph)
nx.draw(subgraph, pos=pos,node_size=[v for v in dict_vals],edgelist=edges, edge_color=weights,labels=labeldict,with_labels = True,font_size=8)
Identified communities#
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[3]), 30)

draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[6]), 30)

# DOTA + League of Legends
draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[7]), 20)

draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[8]), 20)

draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[9]), 20)

draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[10]), 20)

draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[11]), 20)

draw_graph(G_2014.subgraph(comms[12]), 10)

While not all communities found seem to make sense on first glance, several in the top 15 were very clearly able to be grouped by topic - the Louvian community detection appears to be effective on this graph, at least somewhat.#
5 - Negative Traffic#
Visual representation of negative traffic links#
draw_graph(G_neg_2014, 100)

Looking for the most ‘toxic’ communities#
out_degree_centrality_negative = dict(nx.out_degree_centrality(G_neg_2014))
in_degree_centrality_negative = dict(nx.in_degree_centrality(G_neg_2014))
out_degree_centrality_all = dict(nx.out_degree_centrality(G_2014))
in_degree_centrality_all = dict(nx.in_degree_centrality(G_2014))
centrality_df = pd.DataFrame([out_degree_centrality_negative, in_degree_centrality_negative, out_degree_centrality_all, in_degree_centrality_all])
centrality_df = centrality_df.T
centrality_df = centrality_df.fillna(0)
centrality_df.columns = ['negative_outgoing','negative_incoming','all_outgoing','all_incoming']
centrality_df['outgoing_ratio'] = centrality_df['negative_outgoing']/centrality_df['all_outgoing']
centrality_df['incoming_ratio'] = centrality_df['negative_incoming']/centrality_df['all_incoming']
centrality_df = centrality_df[centrality_df['negative_outgoing'] > 0.001]
avg_all_ratio = centrality_df['incoming_ratio'].mean()
centrality_df['mean_incoming_ratio'] = avg_all_ratio
centrality_df['% difference from mean ratio'] = 100 *(centrality_df['incoming_ratio'] - avg_all_ratio)/avg_all_ratio
centrality_df = centrality_df.sort_values('outgoing_ratio',ascending=False)
centrality_df = centrality_df.dropna()
Most toxic communities by ratio of negative/all posts originating from that community#
negative_outgoing | negative_incoming | all_outgoing | all_incoming | outgoing_ratio | incoming_ratio | mean_incoming_ratio | % difference from mean ratio | |
brockturnerinnocent | 0.001204 | 0.000328 | 0.000222 | 0.000055 | 5.426145 | 5.919431 | 1.356286 | 336.444251 |
ebolahoax | 0.001533 | 0.000000 | 0.000351 | 0.000092 | 4.361686 | 0.000000 | 1.356286 | -100.000000 |
peoplefuckingdying | 0.001204 | 0.000328 | 0.000277 | 0.000555 | 4.340916 | 0.591943 | 1.356286 | -56.355575 |
shitsocialismsays | 0.002518 | 0.000109 | 0.000610 | 0.000166 | 4.125664 | 0.657715 | 1.356286 | -51.506194 |
publichealthwatch | 0.013793 | 0.000985 | 0.003421 | 0.000388 | 4.031612 | 2.536899 | 1.356286 | 87.047536 |
bestofpoutrageculture | 0.001861 | 0.000000 | 0.000481 | 0.000018 | 3.870397 | 0.000000 | 1.356286 | -100.000000 |
bnestrong | 0.002299 | 0.000657 | 0.000610 | 0.000481 | 3.766910 | 1.366022 | 1.356286 | 0.717904 |
straya | 0.002627 | 0.000876 | 0.000721 | 0.000388 | 3.642727 | 2.255021 | 1.356286 | 66.264477 |
leftwithsharpedge | 0.003503 | 0.000438 | 0.000980 | 0.000092 | 3.573996 | 4.735545 | 1.356286 | 249.155401 |
amrsucks | 0.003503 | 0.000438 | 0.000980 | 0.000185 | 3.573996 | 2.367772 | 1.356286 | 74.577700 |
subredditdrama | 0.170443 | 0.025616 | 0.049173 | 0.011799 | 3.466173 | 2.171076 | 1.356286 | 60.075164 |
drama | 0.074658 | 0.008539 | 0.021803 | 0.004087 | 3.424132 | 2.089211 | 1.356286 | 54.039147 |
againstkarmawhores | 0.010947 | 0.000109 | 0.003255 | 0.000074 | 3.363313 | 1.479858 | 1.356286 | 9.111063 |
srssucks | 0.017187 | 0.003503 | 0.005160 | 0.001794 | 3.331006 | 1.952802 | 1.356286 | 43.981609 |
againsthatesubreddits | 0.013027 | 0.004488 | 0.003995 | 0.002145 | 3.261168 | 2.092213 | 1.356286 | 54.260468 |
vaccinemyths | 0.001642 | 0.000328 | 0.000518 | 0.000092 | 3.171124 | 3.551658 | 1.356286 | 161.866551 |
fuckthealtright | 0.001861 | 0.001095 | 0.000592 | 0.000684 | 3.144698 | 1.599846 | 1.356286 | 17.957906 |
shiteuropeanssay | 0.004269 | 0.000219 | 0.001387 | 0.000037 | 3.078104 | 5.919431 | 1.356286 | 336.444251 |
metacancersubdrama | 0.003065 | 0.000109 | 0.000999 | 0.000111 | 3.069334 | 0.986572 | 1.356286 | -27.259292 |
assholes | 0.001970 | 0.000438 | 0.000647 | 0.000074 | 3.044279 | 5.919431 | 1.356286 | 336.444251 |
Most toxic communities by quantity of negative posts from that community (out degree)#
centrality_df = centrality_df.sort_values('negative_outgoing',ascending=False)
negative_outgoing | negative_incoming | all_outgoing | all_incoming | outgoing_ratio | incoming_ratio | mean_incoming_ratio | % difference from mean ratio | |
subredditdrama | 0.170443 | 0.025616 | 0.049173 | 0.011799 | 3.466173 | 2.171076 | 1.356286 | 60.075164 |
bestof | 0.119431 | 0.009524 | 0.057532 | 0.007286 | 2.075892 | 1.307082 | 1.356286 | -3.627792 |
drama | 0.074658 | 0.008539 | 0.021803 | 0.004087 | 3.424132 | 2.089211 | 1.356286 | 54.039147 |
botsrights | 0.041817 | 0.000766 | 0.014517 | 0.000499 | 2.880538 | 1.534667 | 1.356286 | 13.152213 |
circlebroke2 | 0.037876 | 0.001861 | 0.012631 | 0.001036 | 2.998716 | 1.796970 | 1.356286 | 32.492005 |
shitpost | 0.036891 | 0.001423 | 0.014462 | 0.000721 | 2.550957 | 1.973144 | 1.356286 | 45.481417 |
shitamericanssay | 0.028790 | 0.003612 | 0.014184 | 0.001923 | 2.029740 | 1.878281 | 1.356286 | 38.487118 |
shitredditsays | 0.028462 | 0.007225 | 0.016256 | 0.003514 | 1.750912 | 2.056223 | 1.356286 | 51.606950 |
evenwithcontext | 0.026710 | 0.000000 | 0.008951 | 0.000018 | 2.984176 | 0.000000 | 1.356286 | -100.000000 |
shitstatistssay | 0.024849 | 0.001970 | 0.010541 | 0.000962 | 2.357387 | 2.049034 | 1.356286 | 51.076856 |
the_donald | 0.024302 | 0.022332 | 0.012779 | 0.016422 | 1.901756 | 1.359869 | 1.356286 | 0.264220 |
worstof | 0.024302 | 0.001642 | 0.008045 | 0.000536 | 3.020951 | 3.061775 | 1.356286 | 125.747026 |
fitnesscirclejerk | 0.022879 | 0.000547 | 0.010097 | 0.000407 | 2.265863 | 1.345325 | 1.356286 | -0.808125 |
bettersubredditdrama | 0.021675 | 0.000000 | 0.008340 | 0.000018 | 2.598774 | 0.000000 | 1.356286 | -100.000000 |
topmindsofreddit | 0.019704 | 0.002956 | 0.008821 | 0.001368 | 2.233747 | 2.159792 | 1.356286 | 59.243173 |
gamingcirclejerk | 0.018610 | 0.000547 | 0.006750 | 0.000388 | 2.756995 | 1.409388 | 1.356286 | 3.915298 |
shitliberalssay | 0.018172 | 0.001533 | 0.008137 | 0.000814 | 2.233240 | 1.883455 | 1.356286 | 38.868625 |
srssucks | 0.017187 | 0.003503 | 0.005160 | 0.001794 | 3.331006 | 1.952802 | 1.356286 | 43.981609 |
badphilosophy | 0.017077 | 0.002080 | 0.009228 | 0.001535 | 1.850564 | 1.355050 | 1.356286 | -0.091075 |
thepopcornstand | 0.017077 | 0.000766 | 0.007157 | 0.000314 | 2.386127 | 2.437413 | 1.356286 | 79.712339 |
Looking at proportion of negative traffic driven by top 10 negative communities#
toxic_subs = list(centrality_df.head(10).index)
num_edges_in_toxic_set = 0
num_edges_in_normal_set = 0
for node in toxic_subs:
num_edges_in_toxic_set += G_neg_2014.out_degree(node)
num_edges_in_normal_set += G_2014.out_degree(node)
total_negative_links = len(G_neg_2014.edges)
total_all_links = len(G_2014.edges)
total_num_communities = len(G_2014.nodes)
print('% of negative posts made by top 10 negative subreddits: ' + str((100*num_edges_in_toxic_set/total_negative_links)))
print('Those communities make up ' + str((10/total_num_communities)) + ' % of all communities in the dataset (' + str(total_num_communities) +' in set)')
print('% of all posts made by those same 10 negative subreddits: ' + str((100*num_edges_in_normal_set/total_all_links)))
% of negative posts made by top 10 negative subreddits: 18.41952353282975
Those communities make up 0.0001849283402681461 % of all communities in the dataset (54075 in set)
% of all posts made by those same 10 negative subreddits: 5.067889876997513
Looking at relationship between outgoing and incoming negative traffic#
X = centrality_df['outgoing_ratio']
y = centrality_df['incoming_ratio']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33)
x_train= X_train.values.reshape(-1, 1)
x_test = X_test.values.reshape(-1, 1)
reg = LinearRegression().fit(x_train, y_train)
predicted = reg.predict(x_test)
# Weak r2 but still positive relationship
r2_score(y_test, predicted)

There is a small positive correlation between outgoing and incoming negative traffic, suggesting that subreddit communities spreading hate are also receiving it.#
6 - 2014 vs. 2023#
Need to take same nodeset in both datasets for worthwhile comparasion#
nodeset = set()
nodeset_2014 = set(data_2014['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'].unique()).union(set(data_2014['TARGET_SUBREDDIT']))
nodeset_2023 = set(data_2023['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'].unique()).union(set(data_2023['TARGET_SUBREDDIT']))
nodeset = nodeset_2014.intersection(nodeset_2023)
adjusted_2014_data = data_2014[(data_2014['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'].isin(nodeset))&(data_2014['TARGET_SUBREDDIT'].isin(nodeset))]
adjusted_2023_data = data_2023[(data_2023['SOURCE_SUBREDDIT'].isin(nodeset))&(data_2023['TARGET_SUBREDDIT'].isin(nodeset))]
new_G_2014 = make_di_graph(adjusted_2014_data)
new_G_2023 = make_di_graph(adjusted_2023_data)
draw_graph(new_G_2014, 50)

draw_graph(new_G_2023, 5)
/Users/claramoore/Desktop/VSCode_Projecrs/TestingStuff/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graspologic/embed/ UserWarning: Input graph is not fully connected. Results may notbe optimal. You can compute the largest connected component byusing ``graspologic.utils.largest_connected_component``.
warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)

largest_cc_2014 = max(nx.weakly_connected_components(new_G_2014), key=len)
largest_cc_2014 = new_G_2014.subgraph(largest_cc)
largest_cc_2023 = max(nx.weakly_connected_components(new_G_2023), key=len)
largest_cc_2023 = new_G_2023.subgraph(largest_cc)
centrality_2014 = dict(
sorted_centrality_2014 = {k: v for k, v in sorted(centrality_2014.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
centrality_2023 = dict(
sorted_centrality_2023 = {k: v for k, v in sorted(centrality_2023.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)}
{'subredditdrama': 689,
'funny': 533,
'iama': 526,
'askreddit': 479,
'pics': 470,
'gaming': 415,
'drama': 353,
'wtf': 287,
'theydidthemath': 266,
'pcmasterrace': 255,
'worldnews': 253,
'conspiracy': 242,
'movies': 236,
'mildlyinteresting': 219,
'science': 213,
'technology': 208,
'dataisbeautiful': 183,
'trees': 180,
'politics': 179,
'adviceanimals': 166,
'latestagecapitalism': 161,
'showerthoughts': 158,
'india': 151,
'leagueoflegends': 150,
'music': 149,
'shitliberalssay': 148,
'aww': 143,
'gamingcirclejerk': 139,
'diy': 137,
'dota2': 136,
'books': 132,
'cringe': 130,
'tifu': 129,
'mensrights': 125,
'europe': 124,
'nottheonion': 123,
'twoxchromosomes': 123,
'programming': 120,
'dogecoin': 119,
'television': 118,
'globaloffensive': 118,
'beetlejuicing': 117,
'soccer': 117,
'sports': 116,
'nba': 113,
'nfl': 111,
'justneckbeardthings': 111,
'quityourbullshit': 110,
'food': 109,
'squaredcircle': 109,
'unexpected': 108,
'creepy': 107,
'drugs': 105,
'overwatch': 105,
'futurology': 105,
'space': 104,
'bicycling': 103,
'sysadmin': 103,
'lifeprotips': 102,
'france': 102,
'cars': 102,
'socialism': 101,
'jokes': 100,
'oldschoolcool': 99,
'me_irl': 97,
'justunsubbed': 97,
'legaladvice': 95,
'woahdude': 92,
'art': 92,
'whatisthisthing': 91,
'pokemon': 90,
'kotakuinaction': 89,
'tf2': 88,
'travel': 87,
'motorcycles': 86,
'ireland': 85,
'crappydesign': 85,
'buildapc': 83,
'de': 83,
'whowouldwin': 83,
'moviescirclejerk': 82,
'anime': 82,
'sweden': 82,
'personalfinance': 81,
'pcgaming': 80,
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'portland': 70,
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