

This assignment is based on the wonderful first-contributions page: firstcontributions/first-contributions

If you have trobule with my instructions below, I suggest completing the very quick first-contributions tutorial, and see if that helps you understand the process of making a pull request.

  • Make sure you have git installed:

  • Make sure you have a GitHub (free/student) account:

  • From the command line on your machine, navigate to a folder where you would like to keep your work for the course

  • Go to the page for this repo: bdpedigo/networks-course

  • Find the Fork button (top right) and use it to fork this repo to your own account. This essentially makes a copy of this repo which you can modify as you please. w:900px

  • Find the green Code button on your fork (not the main page as shown here). Note that for all of the subsequent steps, the repo should be <your username>/networks-course instead of mine. w:900px

  • Hit the green Code button and copy the HTTPS link: h:300px

  • From the command line, do git clone <link that you just copied>

  • You should now see a directory called networks-course

  • From the command line, make sure you are in the networks-course directory. You probably need to move there with a command like cd networks-course.

  • Create and switch to a new branch by doing git checkout -b add-placeholder

  • Make a new file in the directory networks-course/docs, call it <your-last-name>.md: h:400

  • In that file, write # <your last name> - final project placeholder: h:200

  • Use git to check for modified files via git status: h:175

  • Do git add docs/<your last name>.md to add this new file to be tracked. You can use git status again to verify if this worked h:175

  • Do git commit -m "add project placeholder". A commit is like a bundle of code modifications, and the -m allows you to write a message (like a title) to be associated with that commit.

  • Do git push to send these changes to be reflected online. Note that you main need to do git push --set-upstream origin add-placeholder in order for this to work (like I did below). h:200

  • Go to your repo on GitHub again. You will likely see a prompt to make a pull request. If not, navigate to the pull request tab and hit New pull request.

  • You should see a page with options for a base and a compare. base should be bdpedigo/main, and compare should be <your username>/add-placeholder.

  • Add a brief title and description to the pull request. Mine looks like this:

  • Now, we need to make one more change prior to being done with this pull request. Find the file networks-course/docs/_toc.yml, and add your new file to this table of contents page. Under the projects chapter, add a new file with just your name (line 22). This just tells jupyter-book, the package that builds the website, to look for your new page. Note that the indentation here is important.

  • Repeat the steps above to add a file (git add), commit the changes (git commit), and push to the remote repository (git push). Note that your changes will be reflected in the pull request without having to do anything else.

  • On the pull request page online, you can hit Files changed to preview the changes you have proposed. It should look something like the screenshot below. Note that you should only be changing these two files (adding a new .md file, and modifying _toc.yml).

  • If you have opened a pull request with only these two files changed, and the modifications followed all of the steps above, you are done!