Skeletonizing along a history
This notebook requires pcg_skel
to be installed, which is an optional dependency of paleo
. You can install it with pip install pcg-skel
, or when installing paleo
do pip install paleo[skeleton]
This notebook will demonstrate how to use the extracted level2 graph edits to skeletonize a neuron at every point in its history. This can be much faster than repeatedly skeletonizing the neuron from scratch, since much of the information used for skeletonization (e.g. level2 graph, node positions, etc) is reused across the history.
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from pcg_skel import pcg_skeleton, pcg_skeleton_direct
from tqdm import tqdm
from caveclient import CAVEclient
from paleo import (
root_id = 864691135639556411
client = CAVEclient("minnie65_public", version=1078)
total_time = time.time()
Collecting the necessary ingredients¶
We'll start by using some common functions in paleo
to extract the edit history of a neuron, the initial state of all objects in its history, and some information about the neuron's nucleus. See the example notebooks on edit extraction and edit replay for more context.
currtime = time.time()
edits = get_root_level2_edits(root_id, client)
get_edit_time = time.time() - currtime
print(f"{get_edit_time:.3f} seconds elapsed to get edits.")
currtime = time.time()
initial_graph = get_initial_graph(root_id, client)
get_graph_time = time.time() - currtime
print(f"{get_graph_time:.3f} seconds elapsed to get initial graph.")
currtime = time.time()
nuc_supervoxel_id = get_nucleus_supervoxel(root_id, client)
node_info = get_node_aliases(nuc_supervoxel_id, client, stop_layer=2)
nuc_table =["soma_table"]
nuc_info = client.materialize.query_table(
nuc_table, filter_equal_dict=dict(pt_root_id=root_id)
nuc_loc = nuc_info["pt_position"].values[0]
get_nuc_info_time = time.time() - currtime
print(f"{get_nuc_info_time:.3f} seconds elapsed to get nucleus info.")
While this part isn't strictly necessary, here I'll show how to replay edits on a neuron. This is helpful here for knowing which level2 nodes actually ever make it into our neuron of interest.
def find_level2_node(graph, level2_ids):
for level2_id in level2_ids:
if graph.has_node(level2_id):
return level2_id
return None
currtime = time.time()
graph = initial_graph.copy()
# keep track of components that are reached as we go
components = []
# store the initial state
nucleus_node_id = find_level2_node(graph, node_info.index)
component = nx.node_connected_component(graph, nucleus_node_id)
# after each edit, apply it and store the connected component for the nucleus node
for edit_id, edit in tqdm(edits.items(), disable=False):
apply_edit(graph, edit)
nucleus_node_id = find_level2_node(graph, node_info.index)
component = nx.node_connected_component(graph, nucleus_node_id)
# component_masks = get_component_masks(components)
used_l2_ids = np.unique(np.concatenate([list(c) for c in components]))
get_used_time = time.time() - currtime
print(f"{get_used_time:.3f} seconds elapsed to get used level2 ids.")
Now, for every level2 node that gets used in this neuron's history, we will use the level2 cache to get the node's position.
def get_l2data(level2_ids):
l2_data = client.l2cache.get_l2data(
attributes=["area_nm2", "max_dt_nm", "mean_dt_nm", "size_nm3", "rep_coord_nm"],
l2_nodes = pd.DataFrame(l2_data).T
l2_nodes.index = l2_nodes.index.astype(int)
l2_nodes["x"] = l2_nodes["rep_coord_nm"].apply(lambda x: x[0])
l2_nodes["y"] = l2_nodes["rep_coord_nm"].apply(lambda x: x[1])
l2_nodes["z"] = l2_nodes["rep_coord_nm"].apply(lambda x: x[2])
l2_nodes.drop(columns=["rep_coord_nm"], inplace=True)
return l2_nodes
currtime = time.time()
l2data = get_l2data(used_l2_ids)
get_l2data_time = time.time() - currtime
print(f"{get_l2data_time:.3f} seconds elapsed to get l2 data.")
Finally, we have all of the ingredients we need to skeletonize the neuron at every point in its history. At this point, we are done with API calls since we collected all the information we need ahead of time. With this in hand, we can call pcg_skeleton_direct
to apply the TEASAR algorithm to skeletonize the neuron at every point in its history.
def skeletonize(graph):
nucleus_node_id = find_level2_node(graph, node_info.index)
component = nx.node_connected_component(graph, nucleus_node_id)
subgraph = graph.subgraph(component)
component = pd.Index(list(component))
vertices = l2data.loc[component, ["x", "y", "z"]].values
edges = nx.to_pandas_edgelist(subgraph).values
edges = np.vectorize(component.get_loc)(edges)
skeleton = pcg_skeleton_direct(vertices, edges, root_point=nuc_loc)
return skeleton
currtime = time.time()
graph = initial_graph.copy()
skeletons = {}
# initial skeleton
skeleton = skeletonize(graph)
skeletons[-1] = skeleton
# skeletons as we edit
for edit_id, edit in tqdm(edits.items(), desc="Skeletonizing states", disable=True):
apply_edit(graph, edit)
skeleton = skeletonize(graph)
skeletons[edit_id] = skeleton
skeletonize_time = time.time() - currtime
print(f"{skeletonize_time:.3f} seconds elapsed to skeletonize.")
total_time = time.time() - total_time
print(f"Total time: {total_time:.0f} seconds\n")
get_edits_prop = get_edit_time / total_time
get_graph_prop = get_graph_time / total_time
get_nuc_info_prop = get_nuc_info_time / total_time
get_used_prop = get_used_time / total_time
get_l2data_prop = get_l2data_time / total_time
skeletonize_prop = skeletonize_time / total_time
print(f"Get edits: {get_edits_prop:.0%}, {get_edit_time:.0f} seconds")
print(f"Get initial graph: {get_graph_prop:.0%}, {get_graph_time:.0f} seconds")
print(f"Get nucleus info: {get_nuc_info_prop:.0%}, {get_nuc_info_time:.0f} seconds")
print(f"Get used level2 ids: {get_used_prop:.0%}, {get_used_time:.0f} seconds")
print(f"Get l2 data: {get_l2data_prop:.0%}, {get_l2data_time:.0f} seconds")
print(f"Skeletonize: {skeletonize_prop:.0%}, {skeletonize_time:.0f} seconds")
Compare to skeletonizing from scratch¶
Let's make sure that the skeletonization we did from the history is consistent with what we would have gotten if we skeletonized from scratch.
# pick an edit to check
edit_id = 532299
# note: this would have to be adjusted for other edits, where roots[1] may not be the
# nucleus root ID
root_after_op = client.chunkedgraph.get_operation_details([edit_id])[str(edit_id)][
currtime = time.time()
scratch_skeleton = pcg_skeleton(
root_point_resolution=[1, 1, 1],
print(f"{time.time() - currtime:.3f} seconds elapsed to skeletonize once from scratch.")
history_skeleton = skeletons[edit_id]
Let's check if these skeletons are isomorphic - since nodes/edges may not have a consistent ordering, we'll sort the nodes by position and use that order to reindex the edges before comparing. We see that the two skeletons have identical node positions.
history_skeleton_nodes = pd.DataFrame(history_skeleton.vertices).sort_values([0, 1, 2])
scratch_skeleton_nodes = pd.DataFrame(scratch_skeleton.vertices).sort_values([0, 1, 2])
(history_skeleton_nodes.values == scratch_skeleton_nodes.values).all()
And identical edges.
history_skeleton_edges = history_skeleton.edges
history_skeleton_edges = np.vectorize(history_skeleton_nodes.index.get_loc)(
scratch_skeleton_edges = scratch_skeleton.edges
scratch_skeleton_edges = np.vectorize(scratch_skeleton_nodes.index.get_loc)(
(history_skeleton_edges == scratch_skeleton_edges).all()
Computing features¶
As an example of why this process can be useful, let's see how some topological properties of the neuron evolved over the course of proofreading.
skeleton_info = []
for i, (operation_id, skeleton) in enumerate(skeletons.items()):
"state": i,
"operation_id": operation_id,
"n_vertices": len(skeleton.vertices),
"n_edges": len(skeleton.edges),
"path_length": skeleton.path_length(),
"n_branch_points": len(skeleton.branch_points),
"n_end_points": len(skeleton.end_points),
skeleton_info = pd.DataFrame(skeleton_info)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5), layout="constrained")
for i, feature in enumerate(["path_length", "n_branch_points", "n_end_points"]):
sns.lineplot(data=skeleton_info, x="state", y=feature, ax=axs[i])
axs[i].set_ylabel(feature.capitalize().replace("_", " "))
import pyvista as pv
plotter = pv.Plotter()
plotter.open_gif("skeleton_evolution.gif", fps=30)
def skel_to_poly(skeleton):
vertices = skeleton.vertices
edges = skeleton.edges
lines = np.full((len(edges), 3), 2)
lines[:, 1:] = edges
line_poly = pv.PolyData(vertices, lines=lines)
return line_poly
last_skeleton = skeletons[list(skeletons.keys())[-1]]
actor = plotter.add_mesh(skel_to_poly(last_skeleton), color="black", line_width=2)
for edit_id, skeleton in skeletons.items():
line_poly = skel_to_poly(skeleton)
actor = plotter.add_mesh(line_poly, color="black", line_width=2)
text = plotter.add_text(f"Edit {edit_id}", position="upper_edge", font_size=24)